Making an Instrument Toolkit

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Instructions for making an instrument toolkit.

All LI-COR instruments arrive with spare screws, gaskets, o-rings, tubing, and other items. These items are provided because we expect that they will be used, lost, dropped, or otherwise need replacement. However, not all spare items are needed at all times, and so most scientists develop their own personal list of items for measurements, calibration, or maintenance.

Once your list of items is developed, it may be more convenient to carry your relevant spares with you in something other than the sturdy cardboard box they arrived in. A small toolbox or fishing tackle box is ideal for spares-carrying because it has many small compartments and a few larger compartments. You may even wish to develop two toolkits: one for a multi-day trip to the field and one for a daily jaunt into science.

We recommend that you keep the plastic bags that hold your spare items either in the toolbox or somewhere in the lab. Those plastic bags have part numbers, and they will be very useful if you need to order more. Our sales and support teams are very good at identifying that random screw in that little corner, but if you have part numbers, it is easier for all.

With a well-organized instrument toolkit, you can make sure that when that little o-ring decides to roll down the mountain, over the cliff, or into the stream, you’ll have another replacement at hand and can continue sciencing with confidence!

Figure 1 . A large toolkit.
Figure 2. A smaller toolkit.