WesternSure® Pre-stained Chemiluminescent Protein Ladder



WesternSure® Pre-stained Chemiluminescent Protein Ladder, 250 μL


  • Channel: RGB (Odyssey M Imager only) and Chemiluminescent
  • Molecular Weights (kDa): 260, 125, 90, 70, 50, 38, 25, 15, 8
  • Size: 250 μL
  • Storage: Store in small aliquots at -15 to -25 °C and always protect from light. Do not subject the ladder to more than 25 cycles of freezing and thawing.
  • Shelf Life: 6 months from date of receipt
  • Compatible Imagers Include: Odyssey M Imager, Odyssey XF Imager, Odyssey Fc Imager, C‑DiGit Blot Scanner

Loading Volumes

ApplicationRecommended Loading Volume
Mini Gel10 μL
Western Blot 5 μL

Product Description

The WesternSure Pre-stained Chemiluminescent Protein Ladder provides a ladder of convenient and consistent protein sizes (8 - 260 kDa) for use with polyacrylamide gels and on Western membranes where chemiluminescent detection is used. The ladder offers both pre-stained and chemiluminescent functionalities and is suitable for use with film and a variety of chemiluminescent substrates.

In gels, the ladder can be used to visualize progress of the protein separation during electrophoresis and to estimate the molecular weight of unknown proteins based on their relative mobility. In blotting applications, the ladder can be used to monitor protein transfer and as a reference to estimate the molecular weight of proteins of interest.

The ladder is optimized for use with Bis-Tris and Tris-Glycine systems. To see a complete portfolio of LI-COR molecular weight markers, visit licor.com/proteinmarkers.

WesternSure Pre-stained Chemiluminescent Protein Ladder


WesternSure Pre-stained Chemiluminescent Protein Ladders are provided ready to use in loading buffer with no dilution, heating, or reconstitution required. Bring the product to room temperature while protecting from light. Mix the product thoroughly before use to dissolve any solids that may have precipitated during storage. Do not heat above room temperature.

The ladder is not recommended for use when stripping and reprobing Western blots. Stripping buffer alters the chemiluminescent functionality of the ladder, resulting in weak or no signal.

The WesternSure Pre-stained Chemiluminescent Protein Ladder is not a standard and molecular weights may vary, depending on the gel type.


Empiria Studio® Software

Molecular weights for WesternSure Chemiluminescent Pre-Stained Protein ladders can be sized in Empiria Studio Software. For more information, see the instructions for the Experiment workflow you are using at licor.com/WesternWorkflowOverview.

Image Studio™ Software

For instructions on entering marker molecular weights and sizing bands in Image Studio Software, visit licor.com/bio/support. Although Image Studio Software is no longer in development, we continue to sell and support it.