Intercept T20 (TBS) Protein-Free Antibody Diluent improves the specificity of the primary and secondary antibodies, reducing off-target effects. The diluent contains Intercept (TBS) Protein-Free Blocking Buffer in Tris-buffered saline (TBS) preformulated with Tween® 20. This diluent can be used where animal-based products are prohibited.
Since there’s no need to mix the diluent yourself, it saves you time and reduces potential variation.
Intercept T20 (TBS) Protein-Free Antibody Diluent contains a 0.05% concentration of Tween 20. It contains no sodium azide and is stored at 4 °C.
Note: The Intercept Protein-Free Blocking Buffer in the antibody diluent now uses an eco-friendly ingredient. While this ingredient changes the appearance of the diluent, the diluent still performs the same.
Shake well before each use.
Intercept T20 (TBS) Protein-Free Antibody Diluent can be used for many immunoassays and applications, including: